About Connected Light Bookstore LLC

Company Name: Connected Light Bookstore LLC

With a passion for books, Connected Light Bookstore LLC was established in 2022. In 2024, we developed a love for all things trading card games and have added TCGs to our line of products.

As we grow, we want to be known for our commitment to customer satisfaction.

Mission and Vision:
Our mission at Connected Light Bookstore is to inspire a love of reading and gaming in all who walk through our doors. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive space where people can connect with each other and with the stories and games that bring us all together.

Core Values:

  • Passion for books and games
  • Commitment to customer satisfaction
  • Embrace diversity and inclusivity
  • Support local artists and authors
  • Foster a sense of community

Our team at Connected Light Bookstore is made up of dedicated individuals who share a love for books, games, and creating memorable experiences for our customers. From our knowledgeable staff to our talented artists and authors, we are all united in our mission to provide the best possible service and products to our community.

We look forward to welcoming you to Connected Light Bookstore, where you can immerse yourself in a world of stories, games, and endless possibilities.

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